Stop Geo-Engineering
by ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee) [6-11-2023 published].
(Note: This is a very important real scientific presentation about many geoengineering programs that are destroying our planet & health. Please listen & share. Regardless of your scientific background, this is presented in a way that everyone can understand the disastrous ramifications about how the elite psychopaths are harming all of us, including them. — RAD)
Dane Wigington, lead researcher for
In this episode of ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee), Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Prof. Joseph Molitorisz, philosopher, have an in-depth conversation full of explosive and shocking details about the dangers of so-called geoengineering with Dane Wigington, lead researcher for and producer for the climate engineering documentary "The Dimming“. He reports on his research and the results he has gathered, which lead to only one conclusion: that humanity, the environment, and indeed the entire planet are in grave danger. The geoengineering programs that have been underway for many years have reached a level of perfection that is difficult to reverse in order to allow the planet to recover. To this end, it is imperative to stop these programs as soon as possible.
If people do not manage to open their eyes to the realities that surround them and that they can see every day in the sky, for example, a bleak future looms not only for themselves but also for the generations to come. There is no inhibition for those responsible for these malicious programs, which are contemptuous of humanity and nature, and they will continue their experiments and agendas aimed at gaining total control over the entire planet, even though it may become equally dangerous for them.
They know full well that the resistance is divided, people suffer from cognitive dissonance or are just cowards and do not want to face the dystopian reality and manipulation by media and other techniques.
Particularly perfidious: people can evade injections used as bio-weapons, but air to breathe is needed by everyone. If our air is poisoned by substances and frequencies, we have no chance to survive.
To turn the tide and stop the masterminds responsible (one can reasonably assume that they are mostly severely psychopathically disturbed personalities), there is only one way: to continue to relentlessly bring the evidence to the light of day, to wake people up, to make them aware of the ugly truth, to bring them out of the hypnosis of the matrix, and together to form the critical mass necessary to stop these perfidious programs through solidarity and by denying the perpetrators the power to rule over us.
These psychopaths get their energy to implement their programs of destruction only through us. We are our greatest enemy because we let it happen, because we remain silent and prefer to stay in our comfort zone. But the world does not consist of our bubble. We are dependent on each other and can only defend ourselves collectively and say no!
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